About us
„I'm staying healthy.“
This is not simply a sentence. It is our vision for which we work day after day. We have made it our mission to strengthen your health on both a physical and mental level. We do not need miracle cures for this, but we use what nature provides us with.
Values that we represent
„To strengthen the mental and physical health of humans through natural food of the highest quality.”
Ivarsson's products are designed to enhance your wellbeing, promote your health and help you get fitter. In order to be completely healthy, every cell needs to be supplied with everything it needs. That is why we develop products that contain all the nutrients that we do not take in through our daily diet.
People's eating habits are constantly evolving and more and more processed things end up on their plates. We do not cover our nutritional requirements in this way, which is why we rely on purely natural products as food supplements. We want to protect and strengthen every single cell so that you always start the day full of energy.
The quality of our cells is only as high as the quality of the products we supply it with. Before Ronald Ivarsson decides on a product, he therefore asks himself the following question: "Would I give it to my children without any concerns? Not only for his children, but also for you, he wants only the best. Therefore, it only finds its way into our product range if his answer is positive.
The quality of a product depends on where it comes from. That is why Ronald Ivarsson himself was convinced of the producers' methods and carefully selected the farms. Our production partners are located in Hawaii and Israel and develop the best astaxanthin and spirulina products available on the market. The products grow there under optimal conditions in the sunlight of Hawaii.
Our food supplements are of the highest quality. Nevertheless, we are always striving to become even better. We are constantly developing Ivarsson's products and regularly check the work on our partner farms to ensure that we always offer you the best quality.
Trust is essential. A good product can only be brought to market if you can rely on everyone doing their job conscientiously. We would like to offer you products of particularly high quality and enable you to buy them at a fair price. This only works when there is great trust and this takes time.
We have been working with our suppliers for many years and have been able to develop not only trusting business relationships but also friendships. We appreciate their fantastic work and pay fair prices. In this way we want to achieve that all parties involved are always satisfied with the cooperation and that ESOVita paves the way to success.
We would like to gain your trust with our transparency. Nobody wants to buy a product he knows nothing about. We disclose where Ivarsson's products come from and what they contain, because we have nothing to hide. So you know exactly what you are getting and there are no surprises. We are proud of our partner farms and the work that is done there. Therefore we want to communicate openly about it.
We also use social media to regularly inform our customers about our work and products and provide insights into our farms.
The foundation of the ESOVita Shop
We have been pursuing our vision since 1997. Ronald Ivarsson founded ESOVita Versand this year. For many years he has been working on how to keep the human body healthy by natural means.
The year before, he visited the Spirulina Farm in Hawaii, which cultivated the very first organic spirulina.
Ronald Ivarsson stayed on the farm for three months, scrutinizing every step of production. He was convinced by the way the work was done there. The close contact not only resulted in valuable business relationships, but also in close friendships. This trusting relationship led to the fact that he was the very first in all of Europe to be able to offer organic certified spirulina to US standards, thus laying the foundation for our store.
We are the first suppliers of Hawaiian Spirulina
Our Hawaiian Spirulina is unique and grows under the best conditions. It grows in large breeding ponds that contain only seawater of impeccable quality. It is brought up from a depth of 600 m and therefore contains a variety of minerals and nutrients that the spirulina absorbs during growth. This is all it needs for optimal development. Chemical fertilizers or pesticides are not necessary at any time and are also contrary to our company policy. We only offer 100% natural products that have not been in contact with chemicals.
Not only during the growth we do our utmost to create perfect conditions. We also use gentle processes for further processing after the harvest. In this way, we want to ensure that all the nutrients remain in the spirulina. Our producer uses his patented drying process Ocean Thrill, which is particularly gentle.
Spirulina was already used by the Aztecs, who recognized thousands of years ago how positive it can be for the human body. Another reason for us to cultivate the Spirulina also in the present time. With this we rely on historical experience.
Another exclusive product - Astaxanthin
Another member of our exclusive product range is Astaxanthin. During one of his Hawaiian visits, which Ronald Ivarsson regularly makes, he took a closer look at the production of this algae product. He realized that the island's producers were much better positioned than their competitors in Europe and were a big step ahead of them in terms of development. He brought this advantage back to Europe and became a pioneer in the production of this natural antioxidant.
Astaxanthin is a big topic in science. Many researchers are increasingly dealing with it and claim that the substance has a great benefit. We have been gaining experience with astaxanthin since 2003 and can proudly say that we were the first to offer what is probably the most famous astaxanthin product from Hawaii called BIOAstin.
The Astaxanthin we use for our products, which we offer in the ESOVita store, we purchase from a renowned Hawaiian company, whose quality Ronald Ivarsson has personally convinced himself of. He spent several years together with the producers on the island. In contrast to a short visit to the production site, he was able to get a comprehensive picture of the processes used and the people involved.
Astaxanthin is extracted from an algae. The competent production team in Hawaii grows them in large tanks filled with crystal clear water. It is usually used as drinking water and comes from the depths of the Hawaiian volcanoes. Our partners attach great importance to cultivating a high-quality raw material and do their utmost to supply the algae with as much oxygen as possible.
Ronald Ivarsson as a pioneer in many ways
Ronald Ivarsson has done pioneering work in a wide variety of areas. Among other things, he also dealt with the topic of cell health. He developed a high quality deacidification concept, which not only frees the cells from toxins, but also optimally supplies and protects them. All slag that has accumulated in the cells over the years should be removed as far as possible so that the body can breathe again and gather new strength to be able to cleanse itself better in the future. It is therefore not a matter of using preparations permanently, but of supporting the body in helping it to help itself again.
Ronald Ivarsson combined three components given to us by nature to create an unprecedented cure, which is popular in a wide variety of areas. Not only private individuals, but also clinics, therapists and spa facilities use his innovative concept and report on continuous successes.
Ronald Ivarsson laid the foundation for opening our store and still works with us today. In the meantime he has made it his business to pass on his knowledge and to provide for more health and well-being for people. Nevertheless, he still supports the store in an advisory capacity.
Would you like to learn more about how our astanxanthin is produced, how our spirulina supplements are made or what advantages our alkaline water offers you? On our information page ESOVita Tip you will find various films and downloads that will answer all your questions.
Only offered in our store
Due to our many years of product experience and our knowledge, which we are constantly expanding, we are able to offer unique products. Hawaiian Spirulina, Spirulina-Chlorella as well as VitalAstin and BiuAstin are products that distinguish our store. As the first store to offer Spirulina and Astaxanthin in Europe, we can rely on deep product knowledge, which proves the quality of our food supplements.
Do you have questions about our dietary supplements? Then please do not hesitate to contact us. Under 0049 (0)6203 65513 we will be happy to assist you with advice and support.
Your ESOVita team